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Rainfall analysis of the Kelantan big yellow flood 2014




In December 2014, Kelantan was hit by the worst flood ever recorded. Did the rainfall exceed historical records, how rare are they and what causes them? This paper answers these questions. Estimation of the return periods uses the GEV distribution model and stations with more than 25 years records. Spatial distribution plots of the cumulated rainfall depths were constructed using IDW interpolation method. Four major outcomes are: 1) Spatial rainfall patterns show high amounts of rainfall accumulated by phases (Phase 1- daily rainfall up to 300 mm; Phase 2- daily rainfall up to 500 mm); 2) record breaking rainfall events occurred at 9 stations significantly at Gunung Gagau (1598.9 mm compared to 976.5 mm 7-day cumulated rainfall). Many stations upstream of the river basin experienced ARIs near and over 100 years and several experienced more than 200 years; and 4) Enhanced rainfall were experienced due to the combined effect of the monsoon season, Madden Julian Oscillation and temperature below anomalies at the Siberian High.
机译:2014年12月,吉兰丹州遭受有史以来最严重的洪水袭击。降雨量是否超过了历史记录?它们有多稀少?是什么原因造成的?本文回答了这些问题。回归期的估算使用GEV分布模型和具有25年以上记录的气象站。利用IDW插值法建立了累积降雨深度的空间分布图。四个主要结果是:1)空间降雨模式显示出分阶段累积的大量降雨(第1阶段每天降雨至300 mm;第2阶段每天降雨至500 mm); 2)Gunung Gagau的9个站发生了破纪录的降雨事件(1598.9毫米,而7天累计降雨量为976.5毫米)。流域上游的许多台站都经历了近100年的ARI,有些台站经历了200多年。 4)由于季风季节,马顿朱利安涛动和西伯利亚高压异常温度以下的综合影响,降雨增加。



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