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Postnatal depression and reproductive success in modern, low-fertility contexts




Background and objectives: Postnatal depression (PND) presents a puzzling phenomenon to evolutionaryudanthropologists as it is highly prevalent and yet detrimental to child development and maternaludhealth. Adaptive explanations have been proposed, but have not been tested with data that directly linkudPND to female fertility.ududMethodology: A survey was designed to gather complete reproductive histories and retrospective measuresudof PND to measure the effects of PND on fitness. Respondents were born between 1930 and 1967,udwith the majority based in the UK during their childrearing years. The hypothesis that PND is detrimentaludto fitness is assessed using Mann–Whitney U tests on completed fertility. Binary logistic regressionudmodelling is used to test the hypothesis that PND reduces the likelihood of parity progression.ududResults: Women experiencing PND at their first or second birth have lower completed fertility, with PNDudat the first birth leading to lowered fertility. Logistic regression analyses show that this is the result ofudreductions in the likelihood of parity progression to a third birth when PND is experienced at the firstudbirth or when repeat bouts occur.ududConclusions and implications: Our results call into question adaptationist arguments, contribute to theudgrowing understanding of the importance of emotional wellbeing to fertility decision making, and givenudthe economic consequences of markedly below replacement fertility, highlight a potential new source ofudfinancial incentive to invest in screening and preventative measures to ensure good maternal mentaludhealth.
机译:背景和目的:产后抑郁症(PND)给进化论/人类学家带来了一个令人费解的现象,因为它非常普遍,但却不利于儿童发育和母婴健康。已提出了适应性解释,但尚未用直接将 udPND与女性生育力联系起来的数据进行检验。 ud ud方法:设计了一项调查,以收集完整的生殖史和回顾性测量结果 udof PND,以测量PND对适应性的影响。受访者出生于1930年至1967年之间,大部分育龄期间居住在英国。使用Mann–Whitney U检验的完全生育力评估PND有害 udto适应性的假设。二元logistic回归 udmodelling检验了PND降低了同等进展可能性的假设。 ud ud结果:第一胎或第二胎患有PND的妇女的完整生育力较低,PND uda第一次生育导致生育力降低。 。 Logistic回归分析表明,这是由于在第一次 udd发生PND或发生重复发作时,奇偶校验进展到第三胎的可能性降低了 ud ud结论和含义:我们的结果引起了问题适应主义者的注意。论点有助于对情绪健康对生育决策的重要性的日益了解,并鉴于 u003cWBR >明显低于替代生育能力的经济后果,强调了潜在的新的 u财政刺激措施投资于筛查和预防措施以确保良好的经济孕产妇心理健康。



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