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smart Emergency Response System (smartERS) – the Oil Spill use case




Thanks to the huge progress within the last 50 years in Earth Observation, Geospatial science and ICT technology, mankind is facing, for the first time, the opportunity to effectively respond to natural and artificial emergencies such as: earthquake, flood, oil spill, etc.Responding to an emergency requires to find, access, exchange, and of course understand many types of geospatial information provided by several types of sensors. Majors oil spills emergencies as, the Gulf of Mexico (Macondo/Deepwater Horizon) in 2010, the sinking of the oil tanker Prestige in 2002, have offered lessons learned and identified challenges to be addressed.Interoperability provides the principles and technologies to address those challenges. Since years interoperability has been developing based on traditional Service Oriented Architecture, request/response communication style, and implemented through Spatial Data Infrastructures. The experience handling oil spill responses shows that emergency services based on SDIs have some limitations, mainly due to their real-time peculiarity. Moreover despite the effort that Private Sector and Public Administration have been putting since years, the goal to provide an exhaustive picture of the situation during an Emergency Response is still far to be reached.We argue that to achieve this goal, we have to frame the problem in a different way. Emergency Response is not just sensing; it should be smart enough to encompass intelligent actions such as, automatically and dynamically acquire context driven information. The gaol of this paper is to define what a “smart Emergency Response System” (smartERS) should be.
机译:得益于过去50年来在地球观测,地理空间科学和ICT技术方面的巨大进步,人类首次面临着有效应对自然和人为紧急情况的机会,例如地震,洪水,漏油等应对紧急情况需要查找,访问,交换,并且当然要理解由几种类型的传感器提供的多种类型的地理空间信息。重大溢油事故的发生有2010年的墨西哥湾(Macondo / Deepwater Horizo​​n),2002年的Prestige号油轮沉没,这提供了经验教训并确定了需要解决的挑战。互操作性提供了应对这些挑战的原则和技术。 。多年来,互操作性一直在基于传统的面向服务的体系结构,请求/响应通信样式以及通过空间数据基础结构实现的基础上发展。处理漏油事件的经验表明,基于SDI的紧急服务有一定的局限性,这主要是由于其实时性。此外,尽管多年来私营部门和公共行政管理部门一直在努力,但要在紧急情况下全面了解紧急情况的目标仍然遥不可及,我们认为要实现这一目标,我们必须制定框架问题以不同的方式。紧急响应不仅是感知。它应该足够聪明以包含智能操作,例如自动动态地获取上下文驱动的信息。本文的目的是定义什么是“智能应急响应系统”(smartERS)。



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