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Usulan Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Penanganan Claim Warranty Menggunakan Metode IDEF dan Business System Planning Di PT. UNITED TRACTORS PANDU.




A well fast Warranty claims handling service will make the customer satisfiedudproduct users, although there is a problem with its new product. In the case ofudwarranty claim service at PT. United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PT. UTPE)udhas a department that one of them dealing with the warranty claim is part of theudCustomer Support Dept. PT UTPE get a warranty claim from the customer onudaverage about 30% per year of the total product delivery, does not all of audcustomer claim is approved and become a warranty claim to be PT UTPE repair /udreplace.udThe process of claim warranty on a product Patria is complex, and long, startingudfrom the complaint that there is no dedicated account that receives complaint, theuddecision to claim the warranty is accepted or not too long after that the process ofudrepair / replacement on claim problems occur quite long and not transparent, Atudthe PT. UTPE was no specific targets for the completion of this warranty claim.udSo that any incoming warranty claims take a long time, and the process flow isudunclear and uncertain. The average settlement of warranty claim is average 20uddays, while its rugged targets is 14 days.udOn the basis of the analysis is carried out current business processes, to produceuda proposal business process better. Making the proposed business processes wereudperformed using Business Process Reengineering and assistance methodsudBusiness System Planning (BSP). Then the proposal is modeled with IDEFØ udFrom the analysis process resulted in the proposal that has been done business udprocesses, in terms of process flow, matrix lead time process, and the otherudsupporting the proposal in order to get the business processes better, faster, clearudand transparent.ududKeywords: Business Process Reengineering, Business system Planning, WarrantyudClaim
机译:快速的保修索赔处理服务将使客户满意 udproduct用户,尽管其新产品存在问题。如果是 PT的保修请求服务。联合拖拉机公司Pandu Engineering(PT。UTPE) ud有一个部门,其中一个处理保修索赔的部门是 ud客户支持部门的一部分。PTUTPE每年平均以大约30%的价格从客户那里获得保修索赔。整个产品交付过程中,并非所有 udcustomer索赔都得到批准,并成为PT UTPE维修/ udreplace的保修索赔。 ud产品Patria的保修过程很复杂,而且漫长,从投诉开始没有专用帐户会收到投诉,在索赔问题上进行 udrepair /替换过程很长时间且不透明之后,就可以决定是否接受保修的决定是 uD PT。 UTPE并非完成此保修索赔的具体目标。 ud因此,任何即将到来的保修索赔都需要很长时间,并且处理流程不明确且不确定。保修索赔的平均解决时间是平均20天,而坚固的目标是14天。在分析当前业务流程的基础上,可以更好地产生建议的业务流程。使用业务流程再造和辅助方法 ud业务系统计划(BSP)来使拟议的业务流程执行不佳。然后使用IDEFØ对提案进行建模 ud从分析过程中得出的提案已经完成了业务 udprocess,在流程,矩阵提前期过程以及其他方面支持提案以使业务流程更好,更快,更清晰/更透明。 ud ud关键字:业务流程再造,业务系统规划,保修 udClaim



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