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Un acercamiento al cine musical japonés contemporáneo. Particularidades estéticas y narrativas de La felicidad de los Katakuri, Princess Raccoon y Memories of Matsuko.

机译:探索日本当代音乐电影的方法。 《片假名的幸福》,《浣熊公主》和《松子的回忆》的叙事和美学特色。



Although the musical film can be considered as a typically American genre, many cinematographies from all over the world have dealt with this type of films. As a result, the features of the musical films from Hollywood have evolved and been reinterpreted. This article reflects on the contemporary Japanese musical film through the in-depth analysis of the aesthetic and narrative characteristics of three recent productions: The happiness of the Katakuris, Princess Raccoon and Memories of Matsuko. We will study the semantic and syntactic components of this genre, along with other aesthetic and discursive elements in order to understand the contemporary Japanese musical film and place it within the global context of that genre.



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