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Ventanillas de Salud: A Collaborative and Binational Health Access and Preventive Care Program

机译:Ventanillas de Salud:一项合作性和双边性的卫生保健和预防保健计划



While individuals of Mexican origin are the largest immigrant group living in the U.S., this population is also the highest uninsured. Health disparities related to access to health care, among other social determinants, continue to be a challenge for this population. The government of Mexico, in an effort to address these disparities and improve the quality of life of citizens living abroad, has partnered with governmental and non-governmental health-care organizations in the U.S. by developing and implementing an initiative known as Ventanillas de Salud-Health Windows-(VDS). The VDS is located throughout the Mexican Consular network and aim to increase access to health care and health literacy, provide health screenings, and promote healthy lifestyle choices among low-income and immigrant Mexican populations in the U.S.
机译:墨西哥血统的人是美国最大的移民群体,但这一群体的未保险人数也最高。除其他社会决定因素外,与获得医疗服务有关的健康差距仍然是该人群的挑战。墨西哥政府为解决这些差异并提高居住在国外的公民的生活质量,已与美国政府和非政府医疗机构合作,制定并实施了一项名为Ventanillas de Salud-运行状况Windows-(VDS)。 VDS位于墨西哥领事馆的整个网络中,旨在增加美国低收入和墨西哥移民人群获得医疗保健和健康知识的能力,提供健康检查并促进健康的生活方式选择。



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