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Application of Fuzzy Association Rule Mining for AnalysingudStudents Academic Performance

机译:模糊关联规则挖掘在分析 ud中的应用学生学习成绩



This study examines the relationship between students’ preadmissionudacademic profile and academic performance. Dataudsample of students in the Department of Computer Science inudone of Nigeria private Universities was used. The preadmissionudacademic profile considered includes ‘O’ leveludgrades, University Matriculation Examination (UME) scores,udand Post-UME scores. The academic performance is definedudusing students’ Grade Point Average (GPA) at the end of audparticular session. Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (FARM)udwas used to identify the hidden relationships that exist betweenudstudents’ pre-admission profile and academic performance.udThis study hopes to determine the academic profile of studentsudwho are most admitted in the session. It determines students’udperformance ratings as against their pre-admission academicudprofile. This can serve as a predictor for admission committeeudto enhance the quality of the new in-take and guide for theudacademic adviser
机译:这项研究探讨了学生的入学前学业概况与学业成绩之间的关系。使用尼日利亚私立大学 udone计算机科学系学生的数据 udsample。考虑的入学前教育概况包括“ O”水平成绩,大学入学考试(UME)分数, ud和UME后分数。学习成绩的定义是在每个特殊课程结束时根据学生的平均绩点(GPA)进行。模糊关联规则挖掘(FARM) ud用于识别学生的入学前概况与学习成绩之间存在的隐蔽关系。 ud本研究旨在确定在课程中被最录取的学生的学历。它根据入学前的学术 udprofile确定学生的 udperformance评级。这可以作为招生委员会的预测指标,以提高新入学的质量,并为教育顾问提供指导



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