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Clinical experience with intravenous immunoglobulin and tnf-a inhibitor therapies for recurrent pregnancy loss




We report on a 22 year-old non-smoking nulligravida who presented with her husband for in vitro fertilisation (IVF). She was in good general health and had five prior unsuccessful IVF treatments, all with implantation failure. While her TSH and T4 were normal, a strongly positive (1:25,600) thyroid peroxidase antibody (ATA) titre was noted. Their sixth IVF cycle included IVIG infusion x3 as had been used in the immediately preceding cycle. However, etanercept (Enbrel®; Immunex Corp., Thousand Oaks, California USA) was added for the first time as a series of 25mg subcutaneous injections commencing four weeks before ovulation induction and continued on four-day intervals thereafter. Eight etanercept injections were given until commencement of gonadotropins, and then discontinued. Two blastocysts were transferred fresh and two were frozen at day five. Following an unremarkable obstetrical course, the patient delivered male/male twins by Caesarean at 34½ weeksu27 gestation. While the strongly positive ATA titre finding in our patient was concerning, we admitted that the mechanism of how ATA impacts reproductive outcome is presently unknown. ATA have been documented more often in women with recurrent pregnancy failure than controls, and a prospective clinical trial of women with “immunologic abortion” evaluating multiple autoimmune variables found ATA to be the most frequently encountered immunopathology—present in 53% of patients.Our case, believed to be the first published report of its kind in Ireland, is parallel with those who have described a highly-circumscribed use of immunomodulators for refractory cases where an immune diathesis exists and given only under closely monitored conditions. While immunomodulators are inappropriate in IVF for unselected populations and should not be regarded as first-line therapy, dampening of immune responses antagonistic to implantation and embryo development may be a derivative of IVIG + etanercept therapy. Should our patient decide to enlarge her family and return for transfer of cryopreserved embryos in future, the role of further immunomodulator treatment will require consideration.
机译:我们报告了一位22岁的非吸烟虚假孕妇,她与丈夫一同进行了体外受精(IVF)。她的总体健康状况良好,之前接受过五次IVF治疗均未成功,但均失败了。虽然她的TSH和T4正常,但注意到甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(ATA)滴定度呈强阳性(1:25,600)。他们的第六个IVF周期包括在前一个周期中使用过的IVIG输注x3。但是,第一次添加依那西普(Enbrel®; Immunex Corp.,美国加利福尼亚州千橡市)是一系列25mg皮下注射,开始于排卵前四个星期,此后每四天间隔一次。注射八次依那西普直到促性腺激素开始,然后停药。在第五天将两个胚泡新鲜转移,将两个冷冻。在无明显产科病情的情况下,患者在妊娠34½周时通过剖腹产分娩了双胞胎。尽管我们的患者中ATA滴度的阳性结果令人担忧,但我们承认ATA如何影响生殖结果的机制目前尚不清楚。反复妊娠失败的女性中,ATA的发生率高于对照组,一项针对“免疫流产”的妇女进行的前瞻性临床试验评估了多种自身免疫变量,发现ATA是最常见的免疫病理学,占53%的患者。被认为是爱尔兰同类研究的第一份报告,与那些描述了免疫调节剂的高度限制使用的研究人员相似,这种免疫调节剂存在于难治性病例中,存在免疫素质,并且仅在严密监测的条件下给予。虽然免疫调节剂不适用于未选择人群的IVF,不应被视为一线治疗,但抑制植入和胚胎发育的免疫反应可能是IVIG +依那西普治疗的衍生产品。如果我们的患者决定扩大自己的家庭并将来返回冷冻保存的胚胎移植,则需要考虑进一步的免疫调节剂治疗的作用。



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