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Aspect of Nyerere's Political Philosophy: A Study in the Dynamics of African Political Thought




Plato and Aristotle described a society's leader as naturally selected by Divine Providence. They call him a "Prince" or the "Philosopher King." These characterizations remotely size-up Tanzania's Julius Kambarage Nyerere whose rise to prominence is quite fascinating. A "King" he was not. A "Prince" that he was. His own people rendered him great respect and called him "Mwalimu, " the "philosopher, " the "thinker." The term "Mwalimu" ordinarily means "teacher" but when reverence is injected into it, it means "thinker" or "philosopher." Nyerere schooled in adulthood and became the first Tanganyikan to earn a Master of Arts degree. He accomplished the feat in 1952 at Edinburgh, Scotland. The five years he spent in colonial Britain were years of genuine universal nationalism. Pan-Africanism was in full swing since 1945 calling for self-determination for African peoples then under European imperialism and colonialism. And, following World War II and the formation of the United Nations in 1945, the flame of Tanganyika's nationalism was lit and Nyerere was its bearer. He led Tanganyika to independence by 1961 and to union with distabilized Zanzibar in 1964 to form the current Tanzania. Nyerere was at the helm in Tanzania for over two decades earning for himself and for his country international respectability and domestic tranquility.
机译:柏拉图和亚里士多德描述了一个社会领袖,是天意之选。他们称他为“王子”或“哲学之王”。这些特征遥遥领先于坦桑尼亚的朱利叶斯·坎巴拉格·尼雷尔(Julius Kambarage Nyerere),其崛起令人着迷。他不是“国王”。他是一位“王子”。他自己的人民给予他极大的尊重,并称他为“ Mwalimu”,“哲学家”,“思想家”。 “ Mwalimu”一词通常是指“老师”,但当注入崇敬时,它是指“思想家”或“哲学家”。 Nyerere成年后就读,成为第一个获得文学硕士学位的坦any坎人。他于1952年在苏格兰爱丁堡完成这项壮举。他在英国殖民时期度过的五年是真正的普世民族主义时期。自1945年以来,泛非主义就如火如荼地进行,呼吁当时处于欧洲帝国主义和殖民主义统治下的非洲人民自决。而且,在第二次世界大战和1945年联合国成立之后,坦any尼喀民族主义的火焰点燃了,尼雷尔是其承载者。他于1961年带领坦any尼喀获得独立,并于1964年与弱势的桑给巴尔结盟,组成了目前的坦桑尼亚。尼雷尔(Nyerere)在坦桑尼亚掌舵了20多年,以他自己和他的国家赢得国际尊重和国内安宁。


  • 作者

    CHE-MPONDA Aleck Humphrey;

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  • 年度 1984
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
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