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Influences of Bladder Tumor on the Upper Urinary Tract. Part 2 : Clinical Observations.




In the previous report, statement was made that pat h ological changes of the upper urinary tracts are most frequently found in necropsied cases of cancer of the urinary bladder. The present report deals with the results of excretory urogram (IVP), PSP test, indigocarmine test and serum NPN determination performed in our clinical cases. All the tesults of examinations were obtained before operation. A total of 215 hospiterized patients with cancer of the urinary bladder were studied. These included 33 cases of low grade-low stage, 14 cases of low grade-high stage, 27 cases of high grade-low stage and 141 cases of high grade-high stage of the cancer. In viewin g excretory condition of contrast medium at IVP, bilaterally normal function was seen in 95.0 % of low grade-low stage cases and 40.5 % of high grade-high stage cases. The shape of the upper urinary tracts was found to be normally retained in 85.0 % of low grade-low stage cases, while it was normal in only 26.4 % of high grade-high stage cases. Normal excretion in PSP test was seen in 85.7 % of low grade-low stage cases and in 66.1 % of high grade-high stage cases. For indigocarmine test, 85.7 % of low grade-low stage cases and 35.3 % of high grade-high stage cases demonstrated bilateral normal results. The values of serum NPN showed within normal limits in 92.9 % of low grade-low stage cases and in 40.2 % of high grade-high stage cases. If one takes it in consideration that PSP test was not done in cases who had marked hematuria, about two-third of high grade-high stage cases are supposed to have some disturbances in the upper urinary tracts. For the treatment of bladder cancer, it has been emphasized that p ossibility of operative radical cure is merely decided by malignant charactor and grade of infiltration of the tumor itself. However, as clarified by our observations stated in the previous and present reports, in patient with cancer of the urinary bladder, disturbances of the upper urinary tracts are frequently seen even before the operation and renal insufficiency is confirmed to be the most frequent cause of death. For these reasons, an emphasis is made that the status of the upper urinary tract should be taken in deep consideration for treatment of this disease.
机译:在先前的报告中,有人指出在尸检尸检的膀胱癌病例中最常发现上尿路的形态学改变。本报告涉及在我们的临床病例中进行的排尿尿路造影(IVP),PSP测试,靛蓝胭脂红测试和血清NPN测定的结果。所有的检查结果都是在手术前获得的。共研究了215例患有膀胱癌的膀胱癌患者。其中包括33例低度-低度期,14例低度-高度期,27例高度-低度期和141例高度-高度期癌症。从IVP造影剂的排泄情况来看,低度低下阶段病例为95.0%,高度高阶段病例为40.5%,双侧正常。发现低级-低级病例的上尿路形状正常保留,占85.0%,而高级-高级病例只有26.4%的尿路正常。在PSP测试中,正常排泄率在低等级-低级病例中为85.7%,在高等级-高级病例中为66.1%。在靛蓝胭脂红试验中,低度-低度-低度阶段病例为85.7%,高度-高度-高度阶段病例为35.3%,显示双侧正常结果。血清NPN值在低度低下阶段病例中为92.9%,在高年级-高阶段病例中为40.2%,显示在正常范围内。如果考虑到在有明显血尿的病例中未进行PSP检查,则应该认为大约三分之二的高等级高分期病例在上尿路中有一些不适。对于膀胱癌的治疗,已强调手术根治的可能性仅取决于恶性特征和肿瘤本身的浸润程度。但是,正如我们在先前和当前报告中所述的观察所表明的那样,在患有膀胱癌的患者中,甚至在手术之前也经常看到上尿路的紊乱,并且肾功能不全被确认是最常见的死亡原因。 。由于这些原因,强调要深切考虑上尿路的状况以治疗该疾病。



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