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The Autumn King : Remembering the Land in King Lear




Food insecurity and botanical-political tropes were deeply embedded in the discourses of early modern Britain. Food shortages in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries heightened awareness among the populace of its vulnerability to failing harvests and corrupted food. In the properties and behavior of plants and plant disease, Shakespeare found a complex web of metaphors that he used in his plays of the 1590s and early 1600s to interrogate issues of political legitimacy, treachery, treason, and the relationship between the (gendered) body of the monarch and his or her land. In particular, King Lear's engagement with such themes enables us to understand how shifts to early agrarian capitalism were accompanied by transformations in contemporary views of ecological relationships. Starting with a new reading of Cordelia's description of her father's crown, made of "darnel" and other plants considered weeds, and insisting on an ecocritical dimension often neglected in historicist criticism, the authors argue that Shakespeare deploys images of crop contamination to register enduring anxieties over relations between court and country, legitimacy and bastardy, elite power and popular resistance. A primary set of meanings in King Lear, encompassing land ownership, management of natural resources, and the relationship between the monarchy and the land, is bound up with the politics of food supply and articulated through recurring botanical tropes of mimicry and subversion.
机译:粮食不安全和植物政治对立已经深深植根于近代英国的论述中。 16世纪末和17世纪初,粮食短缺使人们更加认识到粮食作物容易遭受歉收和粮食腐败的影响。在植物和植物疾病的特性和行为中,莎士比亚发现了一个复杂的隐喻网络,他在1590年代和1600年代的戏剧中使用了这种隐喻网络来质疑政治合法性,背叛,叛国罪以及(性别)身体之间的关系。君主及其土地。特别是,李尔王(King Lear)对这些主题的参与使我们能够理解,向早期农业资本主义的转变是如何伴随着当代生态关系观的转变而发生的。作者重新审视了科迪莉亚对父亲的王冠的描述,这种描述是用“野鸭”和其他被认为是杂草的植物制成的,并坚持历史主义批评中经常忽略的生态临界维​​度,作者认为莎士比亚利用作物污染的图像来记录持久的焦虑法院与国家之间的关系,合法性和卑鄙,精英力量和民众抵抗。 《李尔王》中的主要含义包括土地所有权,自然资源的管理以及君主制与土地之间的关系,与粮食供应的政治联系在一起,并通过反复出现的模仿和颠覆的植物学取向表达出来。



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