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A Survey of Lentic Waters with Respect to Dissolved and Particulate Lead




Some of the strongest temperature inversions in the world occur atud-- Fairbanks, Alaska. Benson (1970) has reported that a temperature gradientud-- of 10 to 30C/1OO m is common in the winter inversions that form atud-- Fairbanks. Air pollution is especially severe during these inversionsud-- when it is accompanied by the formation of ice crystals in the air, aud-- condition known as ice fog. This phenomenon occurs when the temperatureud-- drops below -20F (-35C) (Benson, 1970), and it intensifies with time ifud-- the inversion is not broken.ud-- The ice crystals in this fog have been found to adsorb dust and gasses,ud-- including the lead halides which are present in the air as a result of theud-- combustion of tetraethyl lead and/or other lead-hydrocarbon compounds usedud-- as anti-knock additives in automotive gasoline. Lazrus et al. (1970) haveud-- found lead concentrations in precipitation to be highly significantly correlatedud-- with the amount of gasoline used in the area sampled.ud-- There are two factors that bring the concentration of lead to highud-- levels in ice fogs. Evaporation of the ice crystals tends to concentrateud-- pollutants in the air mass, especially over the core area of the cityud-- where precipitation is retarded by the heating effect of the city. Also,ud-- during the extreme cold weather accompanying this phenomenon, many peopleud-- allow their cars to idle when they are parked to increase performance andud-- for reasons of personal comfort.ud-- Eventually, much of the pollutants suspended in the ice fog is precipitated and causes unnaturally high levels of lead in the snow. (Winchester et al., 1967). It is suspected that some of this particulateud-- lead collected in the snow may be carried along with the associated surfaceud-- runoff into 1entic (standing) surface waters during thawing. Theud-- objectives of this project were:ud-- 1. to measure the amount of dissolved and particulate lead in aud-- number of selected 1entic waters in the Fairbanks area, andud-- 2. to measure the amount of lead that has been incorporated into net plankton organisms located in the selected lentic waters.
机译:世界上最强烈的温度反演发生在阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯。 Benson(1970)报告说,在费尔班克斯形成的冬季反演中,温度梯度通常在10至30C / 1OO m。在这些倒转过程中,空气污染尤其严重,这伴随着空气中冰晶的形成,称为冰雾。当温度 ud--降至-20F(-35C)以下时会发生此现象(Benson,1970),如果 ud--反转未破裂,则该现象会随着时间而加剧。 ud--雾中的冰晶已发现吸附灰尘和气体,包括由于四乙基铅和/或其他所用的铅碳氢化合物燃烧而产生的空气中存在的卤化铅。汽车汽油中的抗爆添加剂。 Lazrus等。 (1970年) ud--发现降水中的铅浓度与采样区域中使用的汽油量高度相关。 ud--有两个因素使铅的浓度高 ud--冰雾中的水平。冰晶的蒸发趋向于使污染物集中在空气团中,特别是在城市核心地区,而降水则受城市的热效应阻碍。同样,在这种情况下,极端的寒冷天气中,许多人在停车时允许汽车闲置以提高性能,并且出于个人舒适的原因而离开。 ud--最终,悬浮在冰雾中的许多污染物会沉淀,并导致雪中铅含量异常高。 (温彻斯特(Winchester)等人,1967)。怀疑在融雪过程中,积雪中的一些这种颗粒 ud_铅可能与相关的表面 ud_径流一起被带入1entic(直立)地表水中。该项目的目标是:1.测量费尔班克斯地区选定的1entic水的数量中的溶解和微粒铅的量,以及2。测量已被纳入选定的透镜体水域的浮游生物中的铅的含量。



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