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Emergency department versus office setting and physician/patient kinship effects in the diagnostic and therapeutic choices of febrile children at risk for occult bacteremia.




BACKGROUND: Given the controversy of selecting a diagnostic and treatment approach for the febrile child at risk for occult bacteremia, the purpose of this study is to survey the diagnostic and treatment strategies chosen by pediatricians for a febrile child at risk for occult bacteremia seen in three different settings (private office, emergency department, their own child) to see if any differences exist. STUDY DESIGN: Survey of pediatricians given a case scenario of a febrile female child without a source of the fever presenting in three different clinical settings: 1) Office. 2) Emergency Department (E.D.). 3) Pediatrician's daughter. RESULTS: 138 pediatrician surveys were tabulated. Pediatricians ordered the most tests and empiric antibiotic treatments in the E.D., the fewest tests and empiric antibiotic treatments on their daughter, and intermediate frequency of tests and empiric antibiotic treatments in the office. Roughly half the pediatricians ordered the same level of tests in all three clinical settings, while the other half varied their test ordering in the different clinical settings. CONCLUSION: The clinical setting has an effect on the diagnostic and treatment strategies chosen when evaluating a febrile child at risk for occult bacteremia with patients seen in the E.D. receiving more laboratory tests and antibiotic treatment compared to office patients. Kinship also has an effect, with a child (daughter in this instance) of a pediatrician receiving the fewest laboratory tests and antibiotic treatment.
机译:背景:鉴于为潜伏性菌血症风险高发性儿童选择诊断和治疗方法存在争议,本研究的目的是调查儿科医生针对高发性儿童潜在隐匿性菌血症的诊断和治疗策略,该方法在以下三个方面进行了探讨。不同的设置(私人办公室,急诊室,他们自己的孩子)以查看是否存在任何差异。研究设计:儿科医生的调查给出了在三种不同的临床环境中出现发热女孩而没有发烧源的病例情况:1)办公室。 2)急诊部(E.D.)。 3)儿科医生的女儿。结果:138个儿科医生调查表。儿科医生在E.D.中订购了最多的试验和经验性抗生素治疗,在女儿身上订购了最少的试验和经验性抗生素治疗,以及办公室中试验和经验性抗生素治疗的中间频率。大约一半的儿科医生在所有三种临床环境中订购了相同水平的测试,而另一半在不同的临床环境中改变了他们的检验顺序。结论:临床评估对在E.D.中发现的患有隐匿菌血症风险的发热儿童进行评估时选择的诊断和治疗策略有影响。与上班族相比,他们接受了更多的实验室检查和抗生素治疗。亲属关系也会产生影响,儿科医生的孩子(在这种情况下是女儿)的实验室检查和抗生素治疗最少。



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