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Antifaschistischer Staat und postfaschistische Gesellschaft : die DDR, das MfS und die NS-Täter



"The article discusses results of recent research on practices of law enforcement by justice and the Ministry of State Security against East German suspects of Nazi crimes. These findings challenge the classical image of a relatively consistent and strong 'antifascist' prosecution policy. Although denazification and law enforcement in the Soviet Zone of Occupation and early GDR were harsh, almost all sentenced Nazi perpetrators were granted amnesty up to 1956 (with the exception of those who were executed or died in prison). In the following period systematic prosecution had to take second place behind campaigns against West Germany's poor performance in this field. During the seventies, Stasi investigators located in East Germany several hundred members of police battalions and other units involved in the Holocaust. But due to extremely strict standards of 'process maturity' for law suits (which should 'guarantee' long-term sentences) and hesitant investigations, only a few cases where brought to conviction. This look behind the scenes of secret East German investigation policy shows a post-fascist society where the 'ordinary men' who enforced the Nazi genocide could well find their place." (author's abstract)
机译:“本文讨论了司法部和国家安全部针对东德纳粹犯罪嫌疑人的近期执法实践研究的结果。这些发现挑战了相对一致和强有力的'反法西斯'起诉政策的传统形象。苏联占领区的执法部门和早期的德意志民主共和国严厉,直到1956年,几乎所有被判纳粹罪犯都获得了大赦(在死刑中被判死刑的人除外)。在七十年代,史塔西的调查人员在东德安置了数百名警察营和其他参与大屠杀的单位,但由于对诉讼的“程序成熟度”标准非常严格, (应该“保证”长期判决)和犹豫不决的调查,只有少数案件被定罪。东德秘密调查政策背后的幕后景象表明,法西斯时代后的社会,实施纳粹大屠杀的“普通人”很可能会找到自己的位置。”(作者摘要)


  • 作者

    Gieseke Jens;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 2012
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类
  • 入库时间 2022-08-20 20:11:43


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