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Airfoil noise prediction from 2D3C PIV data

机译:根据2D3C PIV数据预测机翼噪声



The noise emitted by incoming turbulence interacting with an airfoil has many techno-logical applications, and has accordingly received much attention in the literature. Whilenumerous developments are focused on the determination of the airfoil response to a givenincoming gust, the characterization of the incoming turbulence seems to have received lessattention. An important aspect thereto is the validity of the assumptions made to describethe incoming turbulence as isotropic and homogeneous. In this work, hot wire anemometryand stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry are combined to obtain detailed measurementsof the turbulence generated by either a grid or a rod, interacting with a NACA 0012 airfoil.A particular focus is placed on the measurement of the turbulence properties in the veryclose vicinity of the leading edge, in order to quantify turbulence distortion and comparethe test data with Rapid Distortion Theory models. The experimental database permits toidentify significant distortions of the mean velocity field, turbulence intensities, correlationlengths and turbulence spectra in a region with size comparable to the airfoil leading-edgeradius of curvature. It is demonstrated that even in cases where the flow is nearly homoge-neous in the spanwise direction, small variations must be taken into account to improve thesound predictions. But the most significant effect to include in the prediction is the distor-tion of the incoming turbulence spectrum, here modeled using Rapid Distortion Theory, ifa meaningful sound prediction is to be obtained.
机译:由进入的湍流与翼型相互作用产生的噪声具有许多技术应用,因此在文献中受到了广泛的关注。尽管许多发展集中在确定机翼对给定的阵风的反应上,但对传入湍流的表征似乎没有引起足够的重视。其中一个重要方面是将输入湍流描述为各向同性和均质的假设的有效性。在这项工作中,将热线风速仪和立体粒子图像测速仪结合起来,以获得与NACA 0012机翼相互作用的栅格或杆产生的湍流的详细测量结果。为了量化湍流畸变并将测试数据与快速畸变理论模型进行比较,可以对前沿进行分析。实验数据库可以识别平均速度场,湍流强度,相关长度和湍流谱的明显变形,该区域的大小可与机翼前缘曲率半径相媲美。已经证明,即使在翼展方向上流动几乎均匀的情况下,也必须考虑小的变化以改善声音预测。但是,要获得有意义的声音预测,预测中要包括的最重要的影响是传入湍流频谱的失真,此处使用快速失真理论进行建模。



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