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Correlator product state study of molecular magnetism in the giant Keplerate Mo_(72)Fe_(30)

机译:巨型Keplerate Mo_(72)Fe_(30)中分子磁性的相关产品状态研究



We have studied the properties of the giant Keplerate molecular magnet Mo_(72)Fe_(30), as a function of applied magnetic field, using the correlator product state (CPS) tensor network ansatz. The magnet is modeled with an S=5/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian on the 30-site icosidodecahedron lattice, a model for which exact diagonalization is infeasible. The CPS ansatz produces significant improvements in variational energies relative to previous studies using the density matrix renormalization group, a result of its superior ability to handle strong correlation in two-dimensional spin systems. The CPS results reaffirm that the ground-state energies adhere qualitatively to the parabolic progression of the rotational band model (RBM), but show important deviations near 1/3 of the saturation field. These deviations predict anomalous behavior in the differential magnetization and heat capacity that can not be explained by the RBM alone. Finally, we show that these energetic deviations originate from a qualitative change in the ground state that resembles a finite-size analog of a phase transition.
机译:我们已经使用相关器乘积状态(CPS)张量网络ansatz研究了巨型Keplerate分子磁体Mo_(72)Fe_(30)的特性,该特性是所施加磁场的函数。磁体在30位二十碳十二面体晶格上使用S = 5/2反铁磁海森堡哈密顿量建模,该模型无法实现精确的对角化。与以前使用密度矩阵重归一化组的研究相比,CPS ansatz的变异能得到了显着改善,这是因为它具有出色的处理二维自旋系统中强相关性的能力。 CPS结果再次证明,基态能量在质量上遵守旋转带模型(RBM)的抛物线级数,但在饱和场的1/3附近显示出重要的偏差。这些偏差预测了差分磁化强度和热容量的异常行为,这不能仅由RBM来解释。最后,我们表明这些高能偏差源自基态的质变,类似于相变的有限大小模拟。



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