首页> 外文OA文献 >Influence of amang (Tin Tailing) on geotechnical properties of clay soil (Pengaruh amang timah terhadap sifat geoteknik tanih lempung)

Influence of amang (Tin Tailing) on geotechnical properties of clay soil (Pengaruh amang timah terhadap sifat geoteknik tanih lempung)




Amang or tin tailing is commonly found in the vicinity of disused mining area and responsible in downgrading theudwater quality, landscape and mechanical behaviour of soils. It was generated from extraction process of separatingudvaluable metal from particular ore. This paper presents the geotechnical characteristics of amang-contaminatedudclay soil. The geotechnical properties of uncontaminated soils were studied in order to compare to that of amangcontaminatedudsoils. The base soil used in this study represents completely weathered horizon of metasedimentaryudrock. Meanwhile, tin tailing sample was taken from the disused mine at Sungai Lembing, Pahang. The geotechnicaludcharacterisations of base soil and contaminated soils were determined based on consistency index, compactionudbehaviour, hydraulic conductivity and undrained shear strength (UU tests). Contaminated soil samples were preparedudby adding 5, 10 and 20% of tailing, based on dry weigh of the studied base soil. The results from the particle sizeuddistribution analysis showed that residual soil from metasedimentary rock comprised 42.6% clay, 32.2% silt andud25.2% sand whilst tailing was dominated by 98% of sand fraction. XRD analysis indicated the presence of quartz,udkaolinite and muscovite minerals in the studied soil. The specific gravity of soil used is 2.67 and the pH is 3.88.udTailing found to have higher specific gravity of 3.37. The consistency index of contaminated soils showed that liquidudlimit, wL and plastic limit, wP decreased with the increase in the percentage of tailing added to the soil samples.udThe value of maximum dry density, ρ dry max increased while optimum moisture content decreased due to the increaseudin tailing content in soil sample. The permeability of contaminated soil also increased with the increase in tailingudcontents ranged from 19.8 cm/hr to 23.8 cm/hr. The undrained shear strength, Cu, of contaminated soil decreasedudfrom 646 kPa (5% of tailing) to 312 kPa (20% of tailing) suggesting that the presence of tailing has influenced theudgeotechnical properties on the studied soil.
机译:经常在废弃的采矿区附近发现阿芒或锡尾矿,并导致土壤的 d水质,景观和机械性能下降。它是从特殊矿石中分离出可估量金属的提取过程产生的。本文介绍了被阿曼族污染的 udclay土的岩土特征。研究了未污染土壤的岩土特性,以与被土壤污染的土壤比较。本研究中使用的基础土壤完全代表了风化的沉积物泥岩。同时,从位于彭亨州Sungai Lembing的废弃矿山中提取了锡尾矿样品。根据稠度指数,压实度,抗渗性能,水力传导率和不排水剪切强度(UU试验)确定基础土壤和受污染土壤的岩土特征。基于所研究基础土壤的干重,通过添加5%,10%和20%的尾矿来制备污染的土壤样品。粒度分布分析表明,次沉积岩中的残余土壤包括42.6%的粘土,32.2%的淤泥和 ud25.2%的砂土,而尾矿则占98%。 XRD分析表明在所研究的土壤中存在石英,高岭石和白云母矿物。所用土壤的比重为2.67,pH为3.88。尾矿发现比重较高,为3.37。污染土壤的稠度指数表明,随着土壤尾矿添加量的增加,液体极限,wL和塑性极限wP降低。 ud最大干密度值ρ干最大值增加,而最佳含水量降低由于土壤样品中乌迪丁尾矿含量的增加。随着尾矿/泥沙含量从19.8 cm / hr增加到23.8 cm / hr,污染土壤的渗透性也增加了。污染土壤的不排水剪切强度Cu从646 kPa(占尾矿的5%)降低到312 kPa(尾矿的20%),表明尾矿的存在影响了所研究土壤的预算技术性能。



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