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Malaria risk and access to prevention and treatment in the paddies of the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania.




BACKGROUNDududThe Kilombero Valley is a highly malaria-endemic agricultural area in south-eastern Tanzania. Seasonal flooding of the valley is favourable to malaria transmission. During the farming season, many households move to distant field sites (shamba in Swahili) in the fertile river floodplain for the cultivation of rice. In the shamba, people live for several months in temporary shelters, far from the nearest health services. This study assessed the impact of seasonal movements to remote fields on malaria risk and treatment-seeking behaviour.ududMETHODSududA longitudinal study followed approximately 100 randomly selected farming households over six months. Every household was visited monthly and whereabouts of household members, activities in the fields, fever cases and treatment seeking for recent fever episodes were recorded.ududRESULTSududFever incidence rates were lower in the shamba compared to the villages and moving to the shamba did not increase the risk of having a fever episode. Children aged 1-4 years, who usually spend a considerable amount of time in the shamba with their caretakers, were more likely to have a fever than adults (odds ratio = 4.47, 95% confidence interval 2.35-8.51). Protection with mosquito nets in the fields was extremely good (98% usage) but home-stocking of antimalarials was uncommon. Despite the long distances to health services, 55.8% (37.9-72.8) of the fever episodes were treated at a health facility, while home-management was less common (37%, 17.4-50.5).ududCONCLUSIONududLiving in the shamba does not appear to result in a higher fever-risk. Mosquito nets usage and treatment of fever in health facilities reflect awareness of malaria. Inability to obtain drugs in the fields may contribute to less irrational use of drugs but may pose an additional burden on poor farming households. A comprehensive approach is needed to improve access to treatment while at the same time assuring rational use of medicines and protecting fragile livelihoods.
机译:背景 ud udKilombero谷是坦桑尼亚东南部高度疟疾流行的农业地区。山谷的季节性洪水有利于疟疾传播。在耕种季节,许多家庭搬到了肥沃的河滩上的遥远田野(斯瓦希里州的桑巴)来种植水稻。在尚巴,人们在临时避难所中生活了几个月,离最近的医疗服务站很远。这项研究评估了季节性迁移到偏远地区对疟疾风险和寻求治疗行为的影响。 ud udMETHODS ud ud一项纵向研究追踪了六个月中大约100个随机选择的农户。每个家庭每月进行一次探访,并记录其家庭成员的下落,田野活动,发烧病例以及最近发烧的治疗方法。 ud udRESULTS ud ud shamba并没有增加发烧的风险。 1-4岁的儿童通常与陪伴者在shamba中度过相当长的时间,比成人更容易发烧(优势比= 4.47,95%置信区间2.35-8.51)。在田间用蚊帐提供的防护效果非常好(98%的使用率),但是在家中存放抗疟药的情况并不常见。尽管到卫生服务部门的距离很远,但在医疗机构仍能治疗55.8%(37.9-72.8)的发烧发作,而在家中管理的情况很少见(37%,17.4-50.5)。 ud ud结论 ud ud Living在shamba中似乎不会导致更高的发烧风险。在卫生设施中使用蚊帐和治疗发烧反映出人们对疟疾的意识。无法在田间获得毒品可能有助于减少非理性使用毒品,但可能给贫穷的农户带来额外负担。需要一种综合方法来改善获得治疗的机会,同时确保合理使用药物和保护脆弱的生计。



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