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Two case studies on the interaction of large-scale transport, mesoscale photochemistry, and boundary-layer processes on the lower tropospheric ozone dynamics in early spring




The vertical distributionof ozone in the lower troposphere over the Swiss Plateau is investigated indetail for two episodes in early spring (February 1998 and March 1999). Profilemeasurements of boundary-layer ozone performed during two field campaigns with atethered balloon sounding system and a kite are investigated using regularaerological and ozone soundings from a nearby site, measurements from monitoringstations at various altitudes, backward trajectories, and synoptic analyses ofmeteorological fields. Additionally, the effect of photochemistrywas estimated for one of the episodes employing the Metphomod Eulerianphotochemical model. Although the meteorological situations were completelydifferent, both cases had elevated layers with high ozone concentrations, whichis not untypical for late winter and early spring. In the February episode, thehighest ozone concentrations of 55 to 60 ppb, which were found at around 1100 masl, were partly advected from Southern France, but a considerable contributionof photochemistry is also predicted by the model. Belowthat elevation, the local chemical sinks and surface deposition probablyovercompensated chemical production, and the vertical ozone distribution wasgoverned by boundary-layer dynamics. In the March episode, the results suggestthat ozone-rich air parcels, probably of stratospheric or upper troposphericorigin, were advected aloft the boundary layer on the Swiss Plateau.Atmospheric compositionand structure (pollution – urban and regional; troposphere – compositionand  chemistry) – Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (mesoscalemeteorology)
机译:对瑞士高原对流层较低层中臭氧的垂直分布进行了详细的调查(早春(1998年2月和1999年3月)有两次)。使用附近气球的常规气象学和臭氧探测,来自不同高度的监测站的测量,向后的轨迹以及气象场的天气分析,研究了在两次野战中使用气球探测系统和风筝进行的两次边界层臭氧剖面测量。另外,使用美卓莫德欧拉光化学模型估计了发作之一的光化学作用。尽管气象情况完全不同,但两种情况都具有高臭氧浓度的升高层,这在冬末和初春并非不常见。在二月事件中,部分来自法国南部的平均臭氧浓度最高,达到55至60 ppb,大约在1100 masl,但是该模型还预测了光化学的巨大贡献。在该高度以下,局部化学物质的下沉和表面沉积可能过度补偿了化学物质的产生,并且垂直臭氧分布由边界层动力学控制。在三月的一次事件中,结果表明,可能是平流层或对流层起源的富含臭氧的空气包裹被高空平移到瑞士高原的边界层之上。大气成分和结构(污染-城市和区域;对流层-成分和化学)-气象学和大气动力学(中尺度气象学)



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