首页> 外文OA文献 >The colocalization of substance P and prodynorphin immunoreactivity in neurons of the medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial nucleus of the amygdala of the Syrian hamster

The colocalization of substance P and prodynorphin immunoreactivity in neurons of the medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial nucleus of the amygdala of the Syrian hamster




To determine the extent of colocalization of substance P (SP) and prodynorphin peptides within neurons of the medial nucleus of the amygdala (AMe), medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTm) and medial preoptic area (MPOA), we incubated colchicine-treated Syrian hamster brain tissue in an antiserum mixture containing rat anti-SP antibody combined with 1 of 3 rabbit antibodies against prodynorphin peptides: anti-dynorphin A(1-17), anti-dynorphin B(1-13) or anti-C-peptide. This was followed by incubation in a secondary antiserum mixture containing fluorescein-labelled anti-rabbit and rhodamine-labelled anti-rat antibodies. Sections were viewed with an epifluorescence microscope using blue light excitation for fluorescein and green light excitation for rhodamine. Colocalization of SP and prodynorphin labelling was observed in neurons of the caudal parts of AMe, BNSTm and MPOA, areas which are essential for male mating behavior. The colocalization was most extensive in the dorsolateral part of the caudal MPOA, the caudodorsal part of the BNSTm, and in the posterodorsal subdivision of AMe. Although all 3 dynorphin peptides coexisted with SP in these areas, dynorphin B did so less than C-peptide, and dynorphin A less than dynorphin B.
机译:为了确定杏仁核(AME),终纹(BNSTm)和内侧视前区(MPOA)的内侧床核的内侧核的神经元内的P物质(SP)和强啡肽原肽的共定位的程度,我们孵育colchicine-抗强啡肽A(1-17),抗强啡肽B(1-13)或抗C-:在含有与抗强啡肽原肽1 3的兔抗体结合的大鼠抗SP抗体的抗血清混合物处理叙利亚仓鼠脑组织肽。这在含有荧光素标记的抗 - 兔和罗丹明标记的抗大鼠的抗体的第二抗血清混合物中,接着温育。部分使用蓝光激发荧光素和绿色光激发罗丹明落射荧光显微镜观察。在AME,BNSTm和MPOA的尾部部分,分别是对于阳配合行为所必需的区域的神经元中观察到SP的共定位和强啡肽原标签。共定位是最广泛的尾部MPOA中,BNSTm的caudodorsal部分的背外侧部分,在火焰的posterodorsal细分。虽然在这些方面与SP共存所有3种强啡肽,强啡肽乙这样做小于C-肽,和强啡肽A小于B.强啡



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