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Determination of the standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations across the nitrobenzenewater interface utilizing the reduction of iodine in an immobilized nitrobenzene droplet




When a nitrobenzene (NB) droplet containing iodine is attached to a graphite electrode and immersed into a chloride containingudaqueous (AQ) solution, the electrochemical reduction of iodine is accompanied by a transfer of chloride ions from NB to water.udThese chloride ions enter the NB phase in a preceding partition between the AQ and the NB phases, supported by formation ofudI2Cl� ions in NB and accompanied by the transfer of stoichiometric amounts of cations. The overall electrode reaction is of CErevudtype, where C refers to the preceding chemical step forming I2Cl�, and Erev refers to the reversible reduction of iodine at theudgraphitejNB interface and the simultaneous transfer of chloride from NB to water. If the chloride concentration in NB is insufficientudto compensate by leaving the NB the amount of electrochemically produced iodide, a second voltammetric signal occurs at moreudnegative potentials due to the transfer of iodide from NB to water. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the preceding chemical stepudC, determine the voltammetric behaviour of the system in such way that the ratio of peak currents of the first and second signalsuddepends linearly on the Gibbs energy of transfer of the co-partitioned cations. The method was validated for cations of knownudGibbs energies of transfer, and it was applied to cations of amino acids.
机译:当将含碘的硝基苯(NB)液滴附着到石墨电极上并浸入含氯的 AQ溶液中时,碘的电化学还原伴随着氯离子从NB转移到水中。在AQ和NB相之间的前一个分区中进入NB相,并在NB中形成 udI2Cl离子并伴随化学计量的阳离子转移。整个电极反应是CErev udtype的,其中C是指前面的化学步骤形成I2Cl。,Erev是指碘在 udgraphite_NB界面上的可逆还原以及氯从NB到水的同时转移。如果NB中的氯化物浓度不足以通过使NB留下电化学产生的碘化物来补偿,则由于碘化物从NB转移到水中,第二伏安信号会以更大的负电势发生。前面化学步骤的动力学和热力学决定了系统的伏安行为,使得第一信号和第二信号的峰值电流之比线性依赖于共分阳离子转移的吉布斯能量。验证了该方法对已知 udGibbs转移能的阳离子的适用性,并将其应用于氨基酸阳离子。



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