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Sandstone Weathering: New Approaches to Assess Building Stone Decay




New approaches to assess masonry decay are required to help in the preservation of builtudheritage, including maintenance costs, especially in Scotland. Consistent methods ofudmeasurement and empirical data analysis to evaluate the progress of weathering have to beuddefined to substantiate the classification of stone decay. Our project aims to identify theudexact length scale (nanometre to centimetre) and timescale (seconds to years) of weatheringudprocesses. Developing two new non-/minimally invasive tools will improve our assessmentudof the state of decay and help to determine which stone(s) need to be replaced. The projectudfocusses on assessing sandstone masonry with a drilling tool to estimate the structuraludproperties and a laser interferometer to measure dilatation over time to nanometre precision.udThe ultrasonic drilling tool allows the identification of changes in the structure of a sampleudwhile drilling a hole to a depth of some millimetres. By measuring the force or powerudrequired to drill, porosity changes and/or the presence of salt at depth within the sample canudbe mapped. The use of ultrasonic tools enables penetration of the rock with less damage toudvulnerable stone. With the laser interferometer we aim to observe precisely weatheringudprocesses like swelling of clay minerals or salt crystallisation, because of the high spatialudand temporal resolutions of the device. The laser interferometer allows measurement ofudvery small (nanometre) scale expansion of a sample and can identify the effects of hourly oruddaily changes in stone condition. The developed techniques allow for better prediction ofudthe decay processes, including upscaling from the lab to the field, and can potentially beudused in situ on historical buildings under site conditions.
机译:需要新的评估砌体衰减的方法,以帮助保护建筑遗产,包括维护成本,尤其是在苏格兰。必须定义对风化进程进行评估的一致的测量方法和经验数据分析,以证实石材腐烂的分类。我们的项目旨在确定风化 udprocess的 udexact长度尺度(纳米到厘米)和时间尺度(秒到几年)。开发两个新的非侵入性/微创工具将改善我们对腐烂状态的评估,并有助于确定需要更换的结石。该项目 ud重点在于使用钻孔工具评估砂岩砌体以评估结构 udproperties,并使用激光干涉仪测量随时间推移至纳米精度的膨胀。 ud超声波钻孔工具可识别样品结构的变化 ud随钻一个深达几毫米的洞。通过测量钻孔所需的力或功率,可以绘制出孔隙变化和/或样品深处盐分的存在。超声波工具的使用可以使岩石穿透,而对易碎石的破坏较小。借助激光干涉仪,由于该设备具有很高的空间分辨率和时间分辨率,我们的目标是精确观察风化过程,例如粘土矿物溶胀或盐分结晶。激光干涉仪可以测量样品的微小(纳米)级膨胀,并且可以识别石材状况每小时或每天变化的影响。所开发的技术可以更好地预测衰减过程,包括从实验室到现场的规模扩大,并且可以潜在地在历史条件下在历史建筑上现场使用。



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