首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Analyzing Workplace Exposures Using Direct Reading Instruments and Video Exposure Monitoring Techniques.

Analyzing Workplace Exposures Using Direct Reading Instruments and Video Exposure Monitoring Techniques.




The techniques for conducting video exposure monitoring were described along with the equipment required to monitor and record worker breathing zone concentrations, the analysis of the real time exposure data using video recordings, and the use of real time concentration data from a direct reading instrument to determine the effective ventilation rate and the mixing factor of a given room at a specific time. Case studies which made use of video exposure monitoring techniques to provide information not available through integrated sampling were also discussed. The process being monitored and the methodology used to monitor the exposures were described for each of the case studies. The case studies included manual material weigh out, ceramic casting cleaning, dumping bags of powdered materials, furniture stripping, administration of nitrous-oxide (10024972) during dental procedures, hand held sanding operation, methanol (67561) exposures in maintenance garages, brake servicing, bulk loading of railroad cars and trucks, and grinding operations.



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