首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Full Scale Field Demonstration on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for In situBioremediation of an Aviation Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer (Chapter 16)

Full Scale Field Demonstration on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for In situBioremediation of an Aviation Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer (Chapter 16)




The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Coast Guard conducteda joint full-scale evaluation of in situ biological treatement of Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHCs) following spillage of aviation gasoline at a Coast Guard Air Station in Traverse City, MI. At the Coast Guard site, soil core samples were collected and analyzed to quantify aviation gasoline contamination in the aquifer. Hydraulic modeling was used to design an infiltration system that flooded all of the fuel-contaminated subsurface soil. The spill area was pretreated with groundwater, which was amended with 380 mg/L ammonium chloride, 190 mg/L disodium phosphate, and 190 mg/L potassium phosphate. The groundwater concentration of benzene in the most contaminated depth interval at the site was reduced to <1 microgram/L. Remaining alkylbenzenes were also reduced to below federal drinking water standards. (Copyright (c) 1994 by Lewis Publishers.



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