首页> 美国政府科技报告 >General Responsivity and Evidence-Based Treatment: Individual and Program Predictors ofnTreatment Outcomes During Adolescent Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment.

General Responsivity and Evidence-Based Treatment: Individual and Program Predictors ofnTreatment Outcomes During Adolescent Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment.




Since it was first articulated, the Risk-Need-Responsivity model (RNR) has been extensively researched and is regarded as an empirically supported model for providing effective correctional treatment. It is comprised of three core principles: the risk principle, which provides direction for who should receive treatment; the need principle, which identifies intermediate treatment targets; and the responsivity principle, which states how treatment programs should be structured. The RNR model is purported to be relevant for all offender populations, including female offenders, juvenile offenders, violent offenders, and sexual offenders. Yet, the majority of RNR research has examined the risk and need principles, and the responsivity principle remains understudied. The responsivity principle includes two sub-principles: general and specific. The current research explored the general responsivity principle, which states that programs should use theoretically relevant models for individual change, specifically cognitive-behavioral and cognitive-social learning models. The following techniques are consistent with these models: “role-playing, modeling, repeated practice of alternative behaviors, cognitive restructuring to modify thoughts/emotions, skills building, or reinforcement”.



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