首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Baseline Water Quality Data Inventory and Analysis: Lake Clark National Park and211 Preserve

Baseline Water Quality Data Inventory and Analysis: Lake Clark National Park and211 Preserve




This document presents the results of surface-water-quality data retrievals for211u001eLake Clark National Park and Preserve from six of the United States Environmental 211u001eProtection Agency's (EPA) national databases: (1) Storage and Retrieval (STORET) 211u001ewater quality database management system; (2) River Reach File (RF3); (4) 211u001eDrinking Water Supplies (DRINKS); (5) Flow Gages (GAGES); and (6) Water 211u001eImpoundments (DAMS). The document provides: (1) a complete inventory of all 211u001eretrieved water quality data, water quality stations, and the entities 211u001eresponsible for data collection; (2) descriptive statistics and appropriate 211u001egraphical plots of water quality data characterizing annual and seasonal central 211u001etendencies and trends; (3) a comparison of the park's water quality data to 211u001erelevant EPA and Water Resources Division water quality screening criteria; and 211u001e(4) an Inventory Data Evaluation and Analysis to determine what NPS-75 'Level 1' 211u001ewater quality parameters have been collected in the park. Accompanying the report 211u001eare disks containing digital copies of all data used in the report, as well as 211u001eall components of the report (tables, figures, etc.). Information suitable for 211u001eimport into a GIS is included. The results of the retrievals for the study area 211u001efrom the IFD, DRINKS, GAGES, and DAMS databases located no industrial/municipal 211u001edischargers, no drinking water intakes, four gaging stations, and no water 211u001eimpoundments. The results of the STORET retrieval for the study area yielded 211u001e1,237 observations for 85 separate parameters collected by two federal agencies 211u001eat 14 monitoring stations.



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