首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Colombia Forestry Development Program, Quarterly CFDP, Progress Report: Second Quarter 2005.

Colombia Forestry Development Program, Quarterly CFDP, Progress Report: Second Quarter 2005.




In August 2003, USAID awarded the three-year $22.7 million CFDP contract to Chemonics International. The program aims to expand the production of marketable and profitable forest products that increase incomes throughout the forestry sector and provide alternative sources of income to the rural communities where forestry activities are centered. An increase in profitable activities in the forest sector creates real economic alternatives to illicit crops. CFDP is developing a viable commercial forestry sector and catalyzing productive investments in four priority zones that offer reasonable access to markets, forest sector support services and production chains. CFDP's assistance focuses on connecting sustainable production chains to domestic and international markets. Local assistance is provided by Chemonics' subcontractors, which include Araujo Ibarra y Asociados, Econometria, the Corporacion Nacional Investigaciony Fomento Forestal (CONIF), Gomez Chica, Dattis Communicaciones and the World Wildlife Fund, among others. CFDP priority zones are located in Bajo Magdalena, Bajo Atrato-Uraba, the Southwest Pacific Coast and Northeastern Antioquia. The regions were selected because they contain considerable forest resources, suffer from increasing cultivation of illicit crops and have defined markets for forest products.



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