首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Final Report of an Enforcement Audit Carried Out in Brazil Covering Brazil's Meat Inspection System, October 19 through November 7, 2005

Final Report of an Enforcement Audit Carried Out in Brazil Covering Brazil's Meat Inspection System, October 19 through November 7, 2005




The audit took place in Brazil from October 19 through November 7, 2005. An opening meeting was held on October 19, 2005, in Sao Paulo with the Central Competent Authority (CCA), Which is the Department of Animal Product Inspection (Departamento de Inspecao de Produtos de Origem) (DIPOA). At this meeting. the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) audit team confirmed the objective and scope of the audit, the audit itineraries, and requested additional information needed to complete the audit of Brazil's meat inspection system. The audit team was accompanied during the entire audit by representatives from DIPOA and/or representatives from the Animal Product Inspection Service (Servico de Inspecao de Produtos de Origm Animal) (SIPA). This audit was the third follow-up audit to the enforcement audit that was conducted in March/April 2005. The objective of the audit was to determine if Brazil had implemented corrective actions with regard to government oversight, establislment operations, and laboratory operations. In pursuit of the objective, the following sites mere visited: the headquarters (temporarily moved to Sao Paulo) of DIPOA, four SPA offices located in four Federal Agriculture Offices at the State Level (Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Sao Paula), two residue testing laboratories (government labs), four microbiological testing laboratories (two government and tmo private labs), three meat processing establislments, and five meat slaughter and processing establishments.



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