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Forestry in the 2007 Farm Bill. CRS Report for Congress (Updated January 25, 2008)

机译:2007年农业法案中的林业。 CRs国会报告(2008年1月25日更新)



Many programs authorized in the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107-171) will expire at the end of FY2007; and the House has passed, and the Senate Agriculture Committee has offered, a draft bill to reauthorize these programs. General forestry legislation is within the jurisdiction of the Agriculture Committees, and past farm bills have included provisions addressing forestry, especially on private lands. Most federal forestry programs are permanently authorized, and thus do not require periodic reauthorization in the farm bill. Nonetheless, the 2002 farm bill reauthorized one office (international forestry), created a new private landowner cost-share assistance program (the Forest Land Enhancement Program) replacing two previously existing programs, and enacted a new Community Fire Protection Program. Forestry provisions are being discussed for a 2007 farm bill. Funding is one issue, as half the mandatory spending for the Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) was cancelled. Protecting communities from wildfire continues to be a priority for some, while controlling invasive species is a priority for others. Assisting forest-dependent communities in diversifying their economies could also be debated. Finally, some have expressed interest in trying to create markets for ecosystem services forest values that have not traditionally been sold in the marketplace. The Administrations 2007 proposed farm bill included a forestry title with four new programs: (1) comprehensive statewide forest planning; (2) competitive landscape-scale forestry grants; (3) a 10-year, $150 million forest wood-to-energy technology development program; and (4) assistance to communities for acquiring, planning for, and conserving community forests. The Administrations proposal did not include a forest landowner financial assistance program, essentially proposing to terminate the Forest Land Enhancement Program. On July 27, 2007, the House passed the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007, H.R. 2419 (the 2007 farm bill). The separate forestry title includes national priorities for forestry assistance, mandatory statewide forest assessments, a new Coordinating Committee, and competitive allocation for some forestry funding. The forestry title also would reauthorize three programs, create an Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and provide grants to Hispanic-serving institutions. In addition, the bioenergy title includes woody biomass, and forest practices are included in other energy and conservation programs. On December 14, 2007, the Senate passed the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007, an amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 2419 (the 2007 farm bill). Its separate forestry title also includes national priorities for forestry assistance, and would reauthorize two programs. The Senate would require comprehensive statewide forest planning and cooperation and collaboration with Indian tribes. It also would create a new community forest and open space conservation program for local protection of forests threatened with conversion to non-forest uses; amend the Lacey Act to restrict imports of illegally logged wood products; authorize changes to certain national forest timber contracts; and encourage the President to ensure that imports are consistent with the U.S.-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement.



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