首页> 美国政府科技报告 >South Dakota Timber Industry: An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2009.

South Dakota Timber Industry: An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2009.




In 2009, there were 23 active primary wood-processing mills in South Dakota, 2 fewer mills than in 2004. Industrial roundwood processed by South Dakota mills increased by 4 percent, from 24.9 million cubic feet in 2004 to 26.0 million cubic feet in 2009. More than 80 percent of the industrial roundwood processed by South Dakota mills was harvested from South Dakota. Eighty-five percent of the imported industrial roundwood processed by South Dakota mills came from Wyoming. There was a total of 24.7 million cubic feet of industrial roundwood harvested in South Dakota in 2009, an increase of 13 percent from 2004. Ninety-five percent of the exported industrial roundwood went to mills in Wyoming. Saw logs accounted for 95 percent of the total harvest. The harvesting of industrial roundwood products resulted in 10.4 million cubic feet of harvest residues. Primary wood-processing mills generated 372,000 green tons of mill residues. Nearly 40 percent of the mill residues generated were used by pulp and particleboard industries. Less than 1 percent of the mill residues were not used for other secondary uses.



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