首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Annual Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Report to Congress, 2010

Annual Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Report to Congress, 2010




Pursuant to Sections 1807 and 1862 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (the 'Act'), as amended, this report provides information regarding applications made by the Government during calendar year 2010 for authority to conduct electronic surveillance and physical search for foreign intelligence purposes. During calendar year 2010, the Government made 1,579 applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (hereinafter 'FISC') for authority to conduct electronic surveillance and/or physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes. The 1,579 applications include applications made solely for electronic surveillance, applications made solely for physical search, and combined applications requesting authority for electronic surveillance and physical search. Of these, 1,511 applications included requests for authority to conduct electronic surveillance. Of these 1,511 applications, five were withdrawn by the Government. The FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part. The FISC made modifications to the proposed orders in fourteen applications. Thus, the FISC approved collection activity in a total of 1,506 of the applications that included requests for authority to conduct electronic surveillance.



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