首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Codice di Deontologia e di Buona Condotta per il Trattamento di dati Personali per Scopi Statistic e Scientifici: Applicazione nella Recerca Epidemiologica. (Italian Code of Deontology and Good practice for the Management of Personal Data for Statistical

Codice di Deontologia e di Buona Condotta per il Trattamento di dati Personali per Scopi Statistic e Scientifici: Applicazione nella Recerca Epidemiologica. (Italian Code of Deontology and Good practice for the Management of Personal Data for Statistical

机译:Codice di Deontologia e di Buona Condotta per il Trattamento di dati personali per scopi statistic e scientifici:applicazione nella Recerca Epidemiologica。 (意大利语义务学和统计学个人数据管理的良好实践)



The Italian code on the protection of personal data includes specific deontological codes for some types of professions. In particular, research activities are regulated by the Code of deontology and good practice for the management of personal data for statistical and scientific purposes. This code has a mostly legal frame and it does not fit well in the field of research. Moreover, it sets up technical and procedural rules for some types of scientific research that use different languages and methodologies, though having basic analogies. Lacking official explicative notes, we think that an interpretation and commentary of the application of this code would be useful, even with examples, on the basis of our experience in the field of epidemiology.



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