首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Coal Mine Safety and Health Report of Investigation: Underground Coal Mine Electrocution Accident, March 23, 2012, Shoal Creek Mine, Drummond Company, Inc., Walker County, Alabama. I.D. No. 01-02901.

Coal Mine Safety and Health Report of Investigation: Underground Coal Mine Electrocution Accident, March 23, 2012, Shoal Creek Mine, Drummond Company, Inc., Walker County, Alabama. I.D. No. 01-02901.

机译:煤矿安全与健康调查报告:地下煤矿电击事故,2012年3月23日,阿拉巴马州沃克县德拉蒙德公司shoal Creek矿。 ID。 No. 01-02901。



At approximately 9:30 p.m. on Friday, March 23, 2012, a 37-year old male electrician (victim) was electrocuted after receiving electric shock from an energized 950-volt shuttle car inner machine cable. The victim was positioned inside the cable reel compartment (see photo No. 1), removing insulation from a temporary inner machine cable connection when the accident occurred. The victim had 1 year, 8 months experience as an electrician. The accident occurred because the shuttle car trailing cable was not de-energized, locked, and tagged out at the power source, while the electrical work was being performed.



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