首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Implementation for Use of Variable Speed Friction Tester and Small Wheel Circular Track Wear and Polishing Machine for Pavement Skid Resistance. Part II - NCSU Circular Track Wear and Polishing Machine Operating Manual.

Implementation for Use of Variable Speed Friction Tester and Small Wheel Circular Track Wear and Polishing Machine for Pavement Skid Resistance. Part II - NCSU Circular Track Wear and Polishing Machine Operating Manual.

机译:用于路面防滑的变速摩擦测试仪和小轮圆轨磨损抛光机的实施。第二部分 - NCsU圆轨道磨损和抛光机操作手册。



Included in this four part implementation work for the Small Wheel Circular Track Wear and Polishing Machine and the Variable Speed Friction Tests (VST) is a summary report,Part I;circular track plan and operating manual,Part II; VST operating instructions,Part III;and VST plans,Part IV. Parts I through III are completed at this time (Spring 1977),but Part IV will not be available until December 1977as the prototype VST is being redesigned for ease of use and ease of construction in, a production model. Part II contains plans for construction of a circular track and operating instructions for use of the track.



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