首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Genetic Interaction of Auke Creek Hatchery Pink Salmon with Natural Spawning Stocks in Auke Creek

Genetic Interaction of Auke Creek Hatchery Pink Salmon with Natural Spawning Stocks in Auke Creek

机译:auke Creek的auke Creek孵化场粉红鲑与天然产卵的遗传相互作用



In Alaska, extensive salmonid hatchery programs have been initiated both by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and by private-nonprofit organizations. It is intended that these hatcheries produce fish to augment, rather than replace natural production. The 'wild' stocks are important not only for their production potential, but also as a source of genetic variation. Cultured fish may have various impacts on 'wild' populations including pathological, ecological, and genetic. One particular impact can result from fishing on mixtures of hatchery and 'wild' fish. In order to avoid this kind of problem, an effective and economical means for uniquely marking the fish produced at these facilities is necessary. No adverse affect would be expected from the introgression of hatchery genes into the 'wild' population.



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