首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Inland Waterways: Proceedings of a National Workshop on the Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material. Held in St. Paul, Minnesota on October 27-30, 1987

Inland Waterways: Proceedings of a National Workshop on the Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material. Held in St. Paul, Minnesota on October 27-30, 1987

机译:内陆水道:关于疏浚物质有益用途的国家研讨会的会议记录。 1987年10月27日至30日在明尼苏达州圣保罗市举行



A national workshop featuring beneficial uses of dredged material in inland waterway systems of the U.S. was held in St. Paul, MN on 27-30 October 1987. Technical sessions on aquatic habitats; habitat development case studies; innovative uses and concepts; recreation, commercial, and industrial applications; and the Great Lakes and their unique opportunities for beneficial use applications were held. Overall workshop recommendations included: to continue to hold timely, informative workshops on beneficial uses, with the next one featuring coastal and marine environments; to strive for maximum cooperation and communication between agencies and groups; to work more closely with cost-sharing project sponsors to assist them in finding means to solve their erosion or stabilization and material placement problems in a cost-effective manner; to encourage the development of long-term management strategies for dredging that incorporate both engineering and environmental realities; to work harder to inform the general public on the positive aspects of using placement sites productively; to develop both formal and informal working agreements among agencies and groups; and to continue to seek better means of dredging and placement and innovative uses of dredged material in inland waterway systems.



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