首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Almost Noninteracting Control for Linear Systems with Exogeneous Inputs andOutputs

Almost Noninteracting Control for Linear Systems with Exogeneous Inputs andOutputs




A linear system that in addition to a control input and a measurement output hask exogenous inputs and k exogenous outputs is discussed. It is assumed that the system is controlled by means of a linear measurement feedback compensator. The resulting closed loop system has k exogenous input and k exogenous outputs. It is assumed that its transfer matrix is partitioned accordingly as a k by k matrix. If through the application of a suitable compensator the H sub infinity norm of the offdiagonal blocks of the closed loop system transfer matrix can be made arbitrarily small, the almost noninteracting control problem is considered sovable. Verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the almost noninteracting control problem are presented.



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