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Quantitative understanding of the cycles of oxidized and reduced sulfur on Venus




The evolution of the Venus atmosphere is determined by the supply of gases from the interior of the planet and outer space, and by the loss of particles to space over time. In particular, questions pertaining to the initial inventory of water and the current and past rates of outgassing can be addressed by studying the loss rates of H, D, He3 and He4. The photochemistry of the H2SO4 clouds may also have played an important role in regulating the amount of water above the cloud tops, and hence limit the rate of escape of hydrogen from the planet. Thus the problems of evolution and chemistry are intimately related. In our proposal the principal tasks we undertook to advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of water on Venus included: (1) escape of light atoms from Venus and (2) develop a photochemical model of sulfate formation. In the last two years we have made progress on Task 1 regarding how light atoms can escape from the exosphere of Venus with the development of a Monte Carlo program and in Task 2 have developed a thorough update on the SO2 photochemistry that had been previously carried out.



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