首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Molecules of Atmospheric Importance

Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Molecules of Atmospheric Importance




In our proposal we laid out work in three areas of relevance to atmospheric science: millimeter and submillimeter spectroscopy, variable temperature pressure broadening, and band and intensity measurements in the FIR. Below we will briefly discuss our progress during the second year of this project. In our millimeter and submillimeter (mm/submm) spectroscopic work, one of our goals has been to work towards the unification of the rotational (primarily obtained by mm/submm techniques) and rotational-vibrational (primarily obtained by infrared techniques) data sets in the context of theoretically well founded models which take advantage of the strengths of the data from each experimental technique. From the point of view of the development of the optimal data base for atmospheric observations, this is clearly a desirable goal. During the first year of this project we did an analysis of a weighted, mixed infrared and mm/submm data set of the n = 0, 1, and 2 torsional states of the ground vibrational state of HOOH. The purpose of this work is to provide a unified understanding of the spectrum, which is applicable in both the rotational and rotational - vibrational regimes. We have succeed in doing this in the context of a single weighted fit which accounts for both data sets to their respective experimental uncertainty (-0.1 and 10 MHz, respectively). Additionally, we have now done a similar analysis on the n = 0 torsional state of v(sub 3) and begun a similar analysis on v(sub 6). For several years we have been working on the mm/submm rotational spectra of the many excited vibrational states of HNO3, again with particular emphasis on the relationships between the mm/submm and infrared spectra. During the first year of this project we were able to use mm/submm spectroscopy to fully resolve the torsional splittings in 2 v(sub 9) and v(sub 5), establish a theoretically well founded quantitative relation between them, and show that both have their physical origin in the torsional motion of the v(sub 9) mode.This result has now been incorporated in a recent reanalysis of the infrared spectrum and has resulted in improved fits - eliminating what was in retrospect a systematic error associated with this previously unknown effect.



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