首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Large Aperture Diagnostic System for Gain and Wavefront Measurements on NIF/LMJ Amplifiers.

Large Aperture Diagnostic System for Gain and Wavefront Measurements on NIF/LMJ Amplifiers.

机译:用于NIF / LmJ放大器增益和波前测量的大孔径诊断系统。



We are in the midst of constructing an amplifier laboratory (Arnplab) that will be the physics and engineering proving ground for fill sized segmented glass amplifiers of designs that will outfit the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and Laser Megajoule (LMJ) projects. Amplab will demonstrate the cornerstone mechanical, electrical and optical concepts that support the NW and LMJ amplifier schemes. Here we address the optical diagnostics that will be used to characterize optical performance of the amplifiers. We describe, the apparatus that will be used in pulsed measurements of gain distribution and wave-front distortions. The large aperture diagnostic system or LADS, is now being built through a collaborative effort between CEL-V and LLNL. The LADS will provide measurements of gain and wave front distortions over the fill extracting aperture of the NIF and LMJ prototype amplifiers. The LADS will be able to address each of eight apertures via motorized stages and following semi-automated alignment, take data on the aperture of interest. The LADS should be operational in mid-'97 at LLNL and will be used to characterize the optical performance of the very first fill scale prototype 4 x 2 NIF and LMJ amplifiers. It will be transported to Bordeax, France to make similar measurements during activation of the first 8-aperture LMJ-like facility (LIL) that is planned to start in the near future.



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