首页> 美国政府科技报告 >IAEA Newsbriefs. V. 13, no. 1(78). Jan-Feb 1998

IAEA Newsbriefs. V. 13, no. 1(78). Jan-Feb 1998

机译:国际原子能机构新闻简报。 V. 13,没有。 1(78)。 1998年1月至2月



This issue gives brief information on the following topics: IAEA Board Meets in March, Director General ElBaradei Initiates Reviews, Nuclear Energy and Climate Change, States Honour Dr. Hans Blix, Radiological Conditions on Bikini Atoll Reassessed, Radiological Study of Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls Nears Completion, Nuclear Inspections in Iraq, New Laboratory Set for Seibersdorf, Vienna Library Receives IAEA Collection, Developing Africa's Agricultural Economies, Marine Scientific Expedition to Northwest Pacific, Experts Target Radioactive Waste Management Needs in Russia, States Move to Accept Safeguards Protocol, In Memoriam, More States Sign Safety Convention, 1998 IAEA Scientific Meetings, New IAEA books, and other short information



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