首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Characterizing the fabric of the urban environment: A case studyof Metropolitan Chicago, Illinois and Executive Summary

Characterizing the fabric of the urban environment: A case studyof Metropolitan Chicago, Illinois and Executive Summary




Urban fabric data are needed in order to estimate the impactof light-colored surfaces (roofs and pavements) and urban vegetation(trees, grass, shrubs) on the meteorology and air quality of a city, andto design effective implementation programs. In this report, we discussthe result of a semi-automatic Monte-Carlo statistical approach used todevelop data on surface-type distribution and city-fabric makeup(percentage of various surface-types) using aerial colororthophotography. The digital aerial photographs for metropolitan Chicagocovered a total of about 36 km2 (14 mi2). At 0.3m resolution, there wereapproximately 3.9 x 108 pixels of data. Four major land-use types wereexamined: commercial, industrial, residential, andtransportation/communication. On average, for the areas studied, atground level vegetation covers about 29 percent of the area (ranging 4 80percent); roofs cover about 25 percent (ranging 8 41 percent), and pavedsurfaces about 33 percent (ranging 12 59 percent). For the most part,trees shade streets, parking lots, grass, and side-walks. In commercialareas, paved surfaces cover 50 60 percent of the area. In residentialareas, on average, paved surfaces cover about 27percent of the area.Land-use/land-cover (LULC) data from the United States Geological Surveywas used to extrapolate these results from neighborhood scales tometropolitan Chicago. In an area of roughly 2500 km2, defining most ofmetropolitan Chicago, over 53 percent is residential. The total roof areais about 680 km2, and the total paved surfaces (roads, parking areas,sidewalks) are about 880 km2. The total vegetated area is about 680km2.



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