首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Novel Method of Emittance Preservation in ERL Mergin System in Presence of Strong-Space Charge Forces

Novel Method of Emittance Preservation in ERL Mergin System in Presence of Strong-Space Charge Forces

机译:ERL mergin系统中强空间电荷存在下的新型发射保持方法



Energy recovery linacs (ERLs) are potential candidates for the high power and high brightness electron beams sources. The main advantages of ERL are that electron beam is generated at relatively low energy, injected and accelerated to the operational energy in a linac, and after the use is decelerated in the same linac down to injection energy, and, finally, dumped. A merging system, i.e., a system merging together high energy and low energy beams, is an intrinsic part of any ERL loop. One of the challenges for generating high charge, high brightness electron beams in an ERL is development of a merging system, which provides achromatic condition for space charge dominated beam and which is compatible with the emittance compensation scheme. In this paper they present principles of operation of such merging systems. They also describe an example of such system, which they call a Zigzag or a Z-system.



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