首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Effects of Irradiation, Temperature, and Other Environmental Factors on Salmonoid Embryos. Progress Report

Effects of Irradiation, Temperature, and Other Environmental Factors on Salmonoid Embryos. Progress Report




The purpose was to study the effects of ionizing radiation on the embryological stages of salmonids reared at different temperatures. Irradiation dose, which ranged from 12 r to 1500 r (approximately 100 r/min.), in geometric progression, was delivered to seven different embryological stages. The fish were irradiated and reared at temperatures ranging from 8.5 to 17.2 exp 0 C, and the effects on survival, growth, morphology and fecundity noted. These experiments indicate accelerated growth, not only by higher temperatures, but also by certain doses of ionizing radiation administered at critical developmental stages. Doses greater than 300 r appear to lower the tolerance to high temperatures and temperatures above 15 exp 0 C prove lethal for young chinook salmon independent of irradiation. Rainbow trout survive in water over 18 exp 0 C. (ERA citation 08:001066)



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