首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Radioactive releases at the Savannah River Site, 1954--1989. An Environmental Protection Department summary.

Radioactive releases at the Savannah River Site, 1954--1989. An Environmental Protection Department summary.




This report is the continuation of a series of reports, previously titled, Releases of Radioactivity at the Savannah River Plant (DPSPU-YR-25-1). The reports reflect the use of air and liquid effluent sample analyses in determining the amount of radioactivity released from Savannah River Site (SRS) operations. The identification and characterization of these source terms since plant startup in 1954 have aided Site personnel in confining and limiting the amount of radioactivity released to the environment from SRS facilities. This document is an effluent/source term report; items falling under other categories, such as environmental spills or solid waste transport to the burial ground, are not included. Any classified or secret data have either been excluded, as in the case of 1960--1970 atmospheric releases of (sup 85)Kr from the Separations Areas, or combined to avoid classification, such as atmospheric tritium releases from the Separations Area.



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