首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation of Collisionless Plasma Dynamics

Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation of Collisionless Plasma Dynamics




With the 3-year support of our current DOE grant (currently in the third year), we have developed the new gyrokinetic (GK)-electron and fully-kinetic (FK)-ion scheme, finished its benchmark for a uniform plasma in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D systems against linear waves obtained from analytical theories, and carried out a further convergence test and benchmark for a 2-D current sheet against tearing mode and other instabilities in linear theories/models. More importantly, we have, for the first time, carried out simulation of linear instabilities in a 2-D Harris current sheet with a broad range of guide field and the realistic mi/me. The milestones of our investigation are as planned originally, to finish the scheme benchmark in two years and start the investigation of 2-D Harris sheet in the third year. In addition, we have begun an effort to develop a 3-D hybrid code for simulation of the SSX reconnection experiment.



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