首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Hydrocode Simulation of Flexilinear Shaped Charge Jet Penetration Into anExplosive Filled Cylinder

Hydrocode Simulation of Flexilinear Shaped Charge Jet Penetration Into anExplosive Filled Cylinder




This report presents the results of a combined numerical and experimentalinvestigation of the penetration of a flexilinear shaped demolition charge into an explosive-filled, thin-walled aluminum cylinder. Computations and experiments were conducted using both CompB and LX-14 as the explosive fill in the aluminum cylinder. The 225 grains per foot (gpf) flexilinear shaped charge (FLSE) was composed of CH-6 high explosive encased in a seamless lead sheath liner. The numerical computations were conducted before the experiments using the Eulerian hydrocode CTH. The explosives encased in the cylinder were expected to detonate near the surface of the cylinder due to either a jet tip impact mechanism, or a liner 'slap' mechanism. The hydrocode simulations show that neither of these mechanisms will initiate a detonation in the explosives in the geometry considered. However, minor decomposition occurred in the CompB simulation on the cylinder's symmetry axis. The LX-14 simulation predicts complete detonation of the explosive after initiation on the axis of the cylinder. The detonation initiates by superposition of shock waves as they converge upon the cylinder's symmetry axis. The simulations are qualitatively verified by experiments insofar as the CompB explosive did not detonate, whereas the LX-14 explosive did detonate.



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