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Ramifications of DARPA's Programming Computation on Encrypted Data Program.




The purpose of encryption is to convert information into something that looks like gibberish to everyone else. This gibberish can be transported and stored, but it cannot be understood and, therefore, one would imagine, it cannot be processed. Amazingly, however, under some circumstances, encrypted data can in fact be processed, even if those doing the processing have no idea what the data say or what they mean. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is currently running a technology development program, entitled Programming Computation on Encrypted Data (PROCEED), to enhance the state of the art in such processing. PROCEED has three components. We focus on two of them: fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and secure multiparty processing (SMP).1 FHE permits one party to lend its data out, in encrypted form, to a second party who can then process the data (with or without data of its own) and return the answer, again in encrypted form. SMP allows two parties to manipulate or process each other's data vis- -vis their own data without either having to share any unencrypted data.



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