首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Defects Associated with Soldification of Melt Processed Superalloys for the Aerospace Industry; Final rept. 30 Sep 2004-30 Sep 2007

Defects Associated with Soldification of Melt Processed Superalloys for the Aerospace Industry; Final rept. 30 Sep 2004-30 Sep 2007

机译:与航空航天工业熔融加工高温合金的销售有关的缺陷;最终的评论。 2004年9月30日至2007年9月30日



This Materials Engineering for Affordable New Systems (MEANS) program centered on developing an integrated computational framework for predicting the conditions under which turbine blades can be produced that are free of deleterious solidification defects. To achieve this ambitious goal we studied the solidification process over length scales from subnanometer to millimeter with the goal of producing a theory for defect formation. Three dimensional datasets have been acquired to study the details of the fluid flow process. Close interaction with industry was essential to ensure the resulting computational model will be in a form that is usable in their efforts to design new alloys and processing routes. Given the broad research focus of the project the MEANS team was composed of engineers and scientists from government laboratories, industry, and universities and is diverse in its research expertise.



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