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Economic Performance, Wage Patterns and the Chinese Revolution: A Review of Three Books on the Economy of the People's Republic of China.

机译:经济绩效,工资模式与中国革命 - “中华人民共和国经济三书”评介。



In the view of Mao Tse-tung, economic growth is basically determined by two sets of factors: the relations of production and the productive forces. The former refers to systems of ownership of assets and distribution of output, and the latter, to technology, capital and human resources. Indeed, the economic development of the PRC since 1949 is a record of how the Chinese leadership had strived to transform the production relations and to increase productivity. The three books under review attempt to evaluate this process from three different angles. The volume prepared for the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) is primarily concerned with productive forces. The study by Howe focuses on one major aspect of the production relationship: wage patterns and wage policy. The book by Axilrod emphasizes the interaction of the production relations and productive forces in the development of the Chinese economy since 1800.



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